We Seek Your Generous Donations and Support !

Kindly Donate & Support PAMT Philanthropic Skill Development Education Activities

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To donate or to know more about our philanthropic activities write or call us:

Email: info@pujaracademyofmusic.com | pujaracademyofmusic@gmail.com

Mobile - +91-63612 45129

PAMT - Pujar Academy Of Music & Technology - A Charitable Educational Trust -NGO

A Pathway To Create Employability Through Skill Development

PAMT- foster excellence in education and reach all learners including those who are socially, educationally and economically deprived and make them employable.

Our main goal is to transform education, make it reachable to everyone and create employment through skilling programs following our core principles Educate, Employ and Empower.

Thank you so much !